2 adult minimum question.

Apr 20 2021

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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2 adult minimum question.

I see here that folks sometimes request a partner for fishing in lakes with 2 person minimum and they reserve before requesting? With ghe 2 person minimum, I suppose you can book and try to find a second person? What happens if no one is found and you reserved the day? 

Apr 22 2021

Steve Carpenter


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I believe you pay the entire fee. I know I have fished 2 person lakes solo and paid the cost for 2 people. I think that is the price established for that particular property. Know I have fished Glen Rose a number of times and paid the price for two,

Apr 23 2021

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Ok, thanks. That makes sense! 

Aug 13 2021

Greg Wadley


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I wish you could contact the owner and see if they aren’t getting much business if they would relax that. I’ve seen lakes I’d like to fish that haven’t had a report in 6 weeks but if I’m paying $170 or something might as well go with a guide. Or I’ll just bring a friend and pay his way. Still be nice to see if the owner would relax his rules if he’s not getting traction.