Best a Electronics for Mapping Small Waters

Feb 19 2015

Bruce Prindle


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Best a Electronics for Mapping Small Waters

I have seen a few screen shots of Private Water lakes and am considering replacement of my existing electronics.  I would love to map a lake, but don't want to go crazy on electronics for my Pond Prowler.  Suggestions?

Feb 19 2015

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Originally Posted by Bruce Prindle

Best a Electronics for Mapping Small Waters

I have seen a few screen shots of Private Water lakes and am considering replacement of my existing electronics.  I would love to map a lake, but don't want to go crazy on electronics for my Pond Prowler.  Suggestions?


Hey Bruce,

It's hard to accomplish one without the other.  Lake mapping is so far dominated by one company.  I'd advise you to go visit and check out what they have to offer along with what plotters their software is compatible with before you purchase.  Unfortunately, it isn't available on many bottom tier units.

Many of our club lakes are small and don't require a map, but when fishing a larger club lake it is quite helpful to know exactly where a hump or ridge exists befor you drive over it.

Let me know if you have any questions. 


Feb 20 2015

Phillip D. Chapin

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hey Bruce,, im curious as to what your description of MAP A LAKE means.. are you speaking of just a good depth finder or as Dr Bean speaks of with the Insight-genesis ?

Feb 21 2015

Bruce Prindle


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Actually, the screen shots on Yates and Timber Lake pages are what I'm talking about.  I used both to start exploring water I had overlooked on prior trips.  It was very helpful, and I wondered where it came from.  I fish some other lakes outside of the Private Waters and would love to be able to capture "the big picture" at days end.  Thanks for the info and website lead.

Feb 21 2015

Scott Quigley


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Jackson mapped those for us with the software he recommended to you.

Feb 22 2015

Bruce Prindle


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Thanks, Seth and Jackson for the info.  After cruising the Insight website, I saw the application for that.  I appreciate the help.  

Feb 27 2015

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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There's a new Humminbird feature they've just released called Autochart that supposedly works similarly to the Lowrance version.

I don't have any experience with it but it looks top notch.  With the Lowrance version you have some cool features like toggling the vegetation layer on and off or evaluating the bottom hardness.  As cool as that sounds, I really haven't found a use for either.