BIG thanks to Cole and the PWF staff for their efforts

Mar 23 2020

Brad Wemhoener


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BIG thanks to Cole and the PWF staff for their efforts

The behind the scenes work that I know Cole did this weekend to ensure many of us quality outings is appreciated. Tips on property driving conditions made our trip enjoyable instead of what could have been very frustrating. 


It's nice to see an organization that puts its member/clients first as I know was done for many of us this weekend. 


Keep up the good work and THANK YOU!

Mar 24 2020

Steve Alexander


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Thanks Brad. Cole is doing a great job despite all this craziness. We have members canceling everything and members booking like crazy. There are two schools of thought rather it is a good idea to get out or to stay in. I see both sides. I would say 90% of our members are still continuing to get out. 

Thanks for he encouraging words, Cole is working extra hard with all the extra bookings.

Jul 18 2020

John Hufstedler


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I'm late to this discussion, but my experience is that the entire staff always does their best to insure that we have good experiences.  I appreciate the efforts.