Aug 16 2014

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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hey members get on up to cody ranch, its in oklahoma , but a very nice and easy drive,, not as far as you would think and the lodge is great, as is the choice of lakes,, i will be hitting it soon,, my last trip was great .. dont let that its in oklahoma bother you, for us guys in the north area , its no further than some of the east tx lakes and no traffic!!!


Aug 17 2014

Steve Alexander


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Phillip you are so right and I'm gald you posted that. Phillip caught a big fish from Cody Ranch last month. Moreover, Cody Ranch has lakes where you can catch 50 fish.

Sometimes it just takes awhile for our members to try new places. We sometimes get in a rut and go to the same 5 places because they are either close or we know the lake and the fishing is good. However, I think one of the great benefits of being a member is that there are 60+ lakes to explore with new ones added every year. I can't tell you how many times I hear "you got any new lakes coming on?' And when I ask have you tried X or XX, they say "No, I didn't even know about that place" or "I never see a fishing report about that place". Perhaps the 3 largest fish reported from a club lake have come from  Back Side of the Moon in Bowie, Flag Lake in Jefferson, Medina Gallant Elm Creek Ranch. All lakes that rarely see a fisherman. Hum??? I'm not saying these are the 3 best lakes in the club, but the point is you may want to get out and explore. Take two days, travel a bit farther, eat at a dive in a small town, and you won't miss anything at work that can't be whole when you get back. Make it an adventure and remember sometimes the greastest memory is from the unexpected.

Aug 18 2014

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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Unexpected is the right word steve. My first trip to Cody, we headed out late and i made the mistake of logging in the lake i was gonna fish into my GPS instead of the gate.. well , in the middle of the night the GPS kept taking around to this back road and i couldnt find a way in... so after many turn arounds i got my trusty map out and finaly figured out the GPS was trying to take me the shotest route to lake.. i should have logged in  THE GATE ..  duh!!  about 2:00 in morning we finally got settled in, but was well rewarded with a goog days fishing

Aug 21 2014

Kelly Denham


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While we're talking Cody Ranch, I made a reservation for all day on Sunday, the 24th at Twin Lakes. If someone is interested in joining me, let me know and I'll add you to the reservation. I've got handheld radio's for comparing notes while on the water. Prefer you bring your own boat and meet there or enroute.