Apr 12 2015
Frank James
I know exactly how you feel. How many times have I driven up to a calm lake, spent 20 minutes getting all geared up, then turned around to see threatening clouds and/or high winds?
If it makes you feel any better, my own fishing plans this week came to a screeching halt when I saw the weather forecast. MORE rain????
Apr 11 2015
Phillip D. Chapin
Slot Fish
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YEP, this is how it usually goes... we have one of the most beautiful weekends of the year and im stuck at my Lake Lot doing chores...
... so im jealous of all you members that got to get out on club lakes and enjoy this WINDLESS saturday.. im going to Marshall in a couple of weeks and i guarantee it will be 30 mph winds out of the north..haha... so do yalls posts of all your great trips and make me feel even worse