Launching boat on a trailer

Feb 03 2016

Joe V. Smith


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Launching boat on a trailer

I have a two wheel drive Trailblazer and I am concerned about being able to pull my boat and trailer out from a muddy shore line.The boat is a 14 ft john with bow mounted trolling motor.I am worried that the trailer would get stuck in the mud.I am 70 with a bad back so man handling the boat is not am option.Have other people had a problem

Feb 03 2016

Steve Carpenter


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There is a discussion dated October 20-2014 by Jackson Bean that discusses using an electric winch to pull your boat onto the trailer. It may be a consideration. Most of the lakes I have fished [member since 2015] are on working ranches and there is a problem pulling the boat out at times. My boat is light enough that I don't usually have to put the wheels in the water and can still crank the boat up though at times it takes a lot of effort. Have thought about installing the winch. I am 68, I did go and purchase a 4 wheel drive truck

Good luck

Feb 03 2016

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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joe i have fished every kind of farm pond for 50 + yrs.. i joined the club 10yrs ago and (knock on wood) have never been stranded even in the worst conditions.. my tip for you is from what i did in the past... i now own a PRO 120 and dont operate this way ,, but since you have a 14ft boat, if you come upon a muddy situation dont pull the trailer all the way into the water if you think you wont get out.. back down to a safe distance and slide your boat off the back then slide it down into the water to go fish... i leave a length of rope tied to the back of my trailer and throw it out into the water so when i come back i grab the rope to pull me in to bank , i get out and tie the rope to the front of the boat.. i then get in my vehicle and drag my boat up to dry land and then winch the boat up onto the trailer.. an electric winch is sweet for this operation but a crank winch will work also.. this should work great for you since you have a john boat and dragging it on few occassions you should be good to go.. just dont overload the boat.. by the way i am 65 with a not so good back and this has always worked in a pinch,, just take it slow and ez and again Dont Overload the boat.... i also to this day carry this portable winch that slips right over the trailer hitch ball just in case i need it... get ya one of these , throw in your vehicle and never have to worry again.. hope this helps!!   

Feb 03 2016

Steve Carpenter


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Hello Philip. Hope all is well. Where did you find the winch. Like it

Feb 04 2016

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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Hey Steve C,, im doing great how are you?   the winch i got at Northern tool in Plano... they have a few to pick from.. they all seem to be about the same except some have a Wireless remote (which is cool)  .. and watch for the speed.. some tow in at 4ft per minute and some much faster, and if your not gonna mount it on a trailer make sure you get the one that has the plate that slides the unit right over the trailer hitch ball,, very cool also and very versatile... go to Northern Tools web site...Steve, how has that boat been working out for you??


Feb 04 2016

Steve Carpenter


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I really have enjoyed the pro 120. So far I have been able to winch it up fully loaded. I am fishing more and plan to hit the east Texas lakes when it starts to warm a little. Thanks for the winch information

Feb 05 2016

Joe V. Smith


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Feb 05 2016

Joe V. Smith


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Steve, thanks for the input

Feb 05 2016

Joe V. Smith


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Phillip ,thank you.