Need help picking a PWF property for my best friends birthday.

Apr 19 2021

Jeff Cavitt


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Need help picking a PWF property for my best friends birthday.

We have been best friends/fishing bros since 1987. I was looking at Cash Signal Ranch since it’s pristine and it’s higher price than we’d normally spend to go fishing. Problem is that it’s booked every Friday through Sunday, through June. His birthday is in May. 

So I need advice on picking a place. I started looking at the Heartland 10-10 Lakes since we have never fished there. Don’t know which to pick. Also looking at Five Finger Springs, Six-O Ranch (went there with my son earlier this year). If you only had one place to go for that special day that might be more expensive than your usual place and a once a year thing…..where would YOU go ….where would you take your best friend? He is also a PWF member. 

Thank you in advance. 

Apr 20 2021

Mark Daugherty


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Hi Jeff – I don’t have a quick answer for ya – there are so many factors involved – and so many great properties. Personally, we’ve had stellar trips at “less than premier” properties and less then stellar trips at “premier” properties. Obviously there are no guarantees. Let me clear up one thing from my knowledge of the properties – Cash Signal Ranch is only open to the club Mon-Thu, that is why it appears booked on all of the weekends. Let me ponder your question some more!

Mark Daugherty

Apr 21 2021

Danny Renfro

Slot Fish

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If it was me and cost wasn’t a factor I would pick Backus Ranch.  I’ve never fished there, but have talked to several people who have and have never heard of a bad trip.  I like 10-10 alot as well. Leaky Lake, and Home Place are my 2 favorite’s, but don’t think  you can go wrong with any of the lake’s there.  The trailer is super comfy, and Craig is a great host.

Apr 21 2021

Michael Lukich


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Hi Jeff, 

My two cents, Tara Lake has been producing.  3+ lbs fish easy.  Plus, huge crappie.  Would also consider Dear trail north of Sulfur Springs.  Heading there next week.  Not sure if you have purchased trolling motor and battery, but you can borrow mine.

Apr 22 2021

Jeff Cavitt


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Thanks Mike! Yes, I bit the $$$ bullet and bought a trolling motor, battery, charger, and extra life jacket for my son that likes to fish. I have been seeing the reports on Tara Lake as well. Thank you for the recommendation.


Apr 22 2021

Jeff Cavitt


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Thank you for the info Danny. I will look into those properties as well.

Apr 23 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Signal is only available to PWF during the week.  I’ve fished a few properties since joining and highly recommend getting the cabin and the 10-10 lakes if it is for a birthday. The lakes are differentiated by difficulty to fish based on the amount of timber – but you can catch great numbers and size at all three from what I understand (I’ve only fished one of them). I believe the info segment in the description will tell you which ones are easier to fish/more difficult.  Hope that helps. 

Apr 24 2021

Jeff Cavitt


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Thanks Josh. Yes, I missed the part about the Mon-Thurs. restriction. It’s all good now. We booked a weekdat at Signal. We are looking forward to it very much.

Apr 26 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Awesome – enjoy Jeff!