New Properties - DFW Area

Jun 22 2022

Ryan Sipe


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New Properties - DFW Area

Just checking to see if there were any new DFW area properties in the works?  I know a few lakes fell off from last year and I have fished most within an hour of DFW, so hoping some are in the near future!  Either way, love the club as the beautiful places it has to offer.

Also, I know jon boats have been hard to find with supply chain challenges.  Any luck with purchasing some for a few of the new properties recently added?

Jun 24 2022

Steve Alexander


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Hi Ryan,

We are always in conversations with landowners in virtually all major markets. In some cases these negotations take up to 5 years, generally 3 months to a year to get the landowners on board. Currently, we are somewhere in the sales pipline with 14 potential landowners. 

I noticed you are from Colleville and there are 24 lakes within 60 miles of Colleyvill and 38 lakes within 90 miles of your zip code.  I think you may have a lot more “close” lakes than you do. 

As a point of reference we have added 42 new lakes in 2020 and 2021 and 8 new lakes so far in 2022. The availaiblity of lakes ot members is the best it has ever been in club history. The two hottest lakes in the club are Terrell and Emory and both were added in the last year.

We have not been able to locate jon boats for more than two years. However, last week we finally got a source for two new jon boats as they have been on back order for that long. We bought two new ones. (FYI, the same jon boat was $899 in 2020 is now $1550 in 2022)  There are about 10 lakes without them. Curious, which lake(s) would you recommend to get a boat?

Jul 01 2022

Ryan Sipe


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Hi Steve,


Sorry I’ve been MIA for a week, thanks for the reply.  Appreciate all that you guys do to continue to grow the club.  I can’t imagine how challenigng some of the negaitoations are with owners, plus all the work you guys put in to make sure the lake is a long lasting, successful property.

Great news you were able to located a couple boats as I know supply has been non-existent.  Culpepper lake is one of the newer places that doesn’t have a boat and it from the description, it soounds like you can only fish half the lake from shore due to the property owners home.  You guys know much better than I do though!

Jul 07 2022

Steve Alexander


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Hi Ryan,

I checked your reservations and you have fished 12 different lakes. You still have a lot more close places to try!

It is challenging to locate and procure great places to fish. However, I absolutely love the challenge and the enjoyment of meeting great folks and visiting some special places. What you likely don’t see are the times we go visit, even electrofish a property, 5 hours from Dallas that does not make the cut. In this case we have spent a ton of time, diesel and logistics only to find we are not a good fit for each other.  We try and do as much due diligence upfront but you really never know until we meet with the landowner, see the property and more than likely electrofish the lake. Likely, about 1 in 4 properties we talk to make the cut.

 I appreciate the encouraging words and compliments, its motivating.

We have upgraded the Ferris Triple J boat it a very gently used 1236 2 year old jon boat. We got rid of the 40 year old boat that has been there forever!

We will be adding a new jon boat to Denison-Culpeper Farms and Fairfield- Cassidy Lake. If anyone would like to coordinate picking up one of these jon boats and taking it to Denison or Fairfield for a free trip for one person,  please call the office 214 871 0044. It will save us a trip.