Question about 2 person minimums

Feb 19 2015

Kelly Denham


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Question about 2 person minimums

I'm sure others have wondered about this and I don't recall it being discussed, so I thought I'd post it for everyone rather than email in for a clarification.


my question is this: on sites like Marshal and others with a 2 person minimum can you pay for two and fish alone or do they require two people present?



Feb 20 2015

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Hey Kelly,

I think you can fish any of them as a single with the exception of San Saba where they require two people for safety reasons being as remote as it is. 

The PWF crew is at the Pond Boss Conference I believe but will be back in action next week.


Feb 20 2015

Scott Quigley


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Originally Posted by Jackson Bean

Hey Kelly,

I think you can fish any of them as a single with the exception of San Saba where they require two people for safety reasons being as remote as it is. 

The PWF crew is at the Pond Boss Conference I believe but will be back in action next week.


This is correct. Couldn't have said it better myself. At San Saba 2 people are required to be present, while you can pay for two and fish solo if you wish at the other lakes with a two person minimum.

Feb 20 2015

Kelly Denham


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Thanks guys. Now that I read that, I do recall it being mentioned before. 


Mar 11 2015

Larry Maupin


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The recent email for Gilmer Hat and Star said: "This site has a two adult minimum to fish. However, you may pay for two and fish alone if you prefer to go solo." That may apply to other sites as well, but check the PWF office for details.

Mar 13 2015

Steve Alexander


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The 1/2 price special was just for Hat and Star for a limited 2 week period. The bad news is that we had someone get stuck last night and spent 6 hours in the dark annd in the rain. Eventually a tow truck had to be called. No fun and expensive.