Thanks to PWF

Sep 26 2015

Mark Levock


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Thanks to PWF

Steve/Seth and All,

I just wanted to give you guys a big round of appreciation.  I have not been able to fish as much as I like due to family and kids activities, but the reports I have been reading recently have been awesome.  Big fish, big numbers and quality fish.  This club has come a long ways since you took over.  Club is great and look forward to continued success.  Hopefully the feedback from members is quite the same. 

Sep 27 2015

Steve Alexander


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The BEST discussion post ever!!!!

Thanks for the kind words. We have added lots and lots of great properties over the past years. We have a great group of landowners who do care about their lakes and really want you guys to catch fish. We love stories about expereinces with your families and memories that may last a lifetime.