Water Levels at Marshall lakes

Oct 19 2014

Bruce Prindle


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Water Levels at Marshall lakes

Can any one give us info on water levels at the four Hearland lakes in Marshall?  I'm curious since they have a lot of shallow water.  Weed coverage?  

Oct 20 2014

Steve Alexander


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Lake levels at all four laks range from 6 inches low to about 2 feet low. Water levels are NOT an issue at Heartland. Lots of grass at Hog Trough, Beaver, and Home Place. However, the lakes have been fishing good all fall. Leaky has the least amount of grass. Please note, that there are no outside boats allowed at the lakes.

Oct 21 2014

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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hey Steve, when did the no outside boats get started?  i can understand why,, just curious when it started, and can 2 boats be supplied at one lake, then the 2 switched over to fish another lake

Oct 21 2014

Scott Quigley


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The no outside boats rule is new, within the last two weeks. There are 6 boats total for the four lakes, and each boat has a trailer, so yes multiple boats can be provided on a single lake. Craig, the ranch foreman, moves the boats based on reservations and always has them ready to go before our members arrive. The boats at Heartland 10-10 are great. All six are 18 foot fully-decked aluminum boats, and equipped with four batteries and a foot controlled trolling motor. The boats at Heartland are the perfect boat for private lake fishing in my opinion.