Weather app

Mar 12 2017

William Fetech


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Weather app

if I have an existing reservation, how can I see the weather for the day I have that location reserved?


May 29 2017

Mike Mehlmann


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Hi Bill,

With BassForecast, you can see 10 days weather forecast into the future...and past 10 days for any locations you choose.  


May 30 2017

Robert Lundin


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I use the weather channel app for my iPad. It gives a 10 day forecast. I'm most interested in Wind and severe life threatening information.  Maybe I should pay attention to barometric pressure and solunar / moon phases.  I try to keep it simple, I want to go fishing, is the wind going to blow me off the lake, or is severe weather imminent.  I'm sure you could get real scientific but I'm going to eat today and I figure if I put a plate of brownies in front of a bass with a glass of milk he can't resist.  Some days are better than others but I fish with a friend who throws top water exclusively 12 months a year and catches bass.  Does he get more arm exercise than me, no doubt. He just knows that there are some mean bass in this world that just inhale that frog no matter what month.  He also has me believing that on club lakes we fish he has them trained to consume his frog. There is an airline pilot weather app that my friend gave me. I tried it but way too much data / information.  I can't remember how far out it forecasted as I just remembered looking at an hour by hour forecast.